Create a Console App in Visual Studio on Windows#

This topic describes the steps needed to configure a C++ Console App in Visual Studio. These steps have been verified to work with Visual Studio 2022 Community Edition, on Windows 11 (22H2).

Create the Visual Studio project#

  1. Create a C++, Console App in Visual Studio. Name the project simple-converter. Check Place solution and project in the same directory.

  2. Download the 64 bit version of AVBlocks for C++ (Windows). The file you need will have a name similar to - the version number may differ.

  3. Extract the ZIP archive in a location of your choice, then copy the include and lib directories to the avblocks subdirectory of the Visual Studio solution directory. The Visual Studio solution is the directory that contains the simple-converter.sln solution file.

    You should end up with a directory structure similar to the following:

    │   ├───include
    │   └───lib
  4. Replace the contents of simple-converter.cpp with this code:

    #include <primo/avblocks/avb.h>
    #include <primo/platform/reference++.h>
    // link with AVBlocks64.lib
    #pragma comment(lib, "./avblocks/lib/x64/AVBlocks64.lib")
    using namespace primo::codecs;
    using namespace primo::avblocks;
    int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {
        // needed for WMV
        CoInitializeEx(nullptr, COINITBASE_MULTITHREADED);
        auto inputInfo = primo::make_ref(Library::createMediaInfo());
        if (inputInfo->open()) {
            auto inputSocket = primo::make_ref(Library::createMediaSocket(inputInfo.get()));
            auto outputSocket = primo::make_ref(Library::createMediaSocket(Preset::Video::Generic::MP4::Base_H264_AAC));
            auto transcoder = primo::make_ref(Library::createTranscoder());
            if (transcoder->open()) {
        return 0;
  5. In Visual Studio, select Build | Configuration Manager from the menu, then select the x64 platform to the solution platforms.

  6. In Visual Studio, select Project | simple-converter Properties from the menu, then C++ | General, then add ./avblocks/include to Additional Include Directories.

  7. Build the project (Ctrl + Shift + B).

  8. Copy the file AVBlocks64.dll from avblocks/lib/x64 to x64/Debug.

Run the application#

  1. Download the Wildlife.wmv HD movie from the Internet Archive and save it in the Visual Studio solution directory (next to the simple-converter.sln solution file).

  2. Run the application in Visual Studio. Wait a few seconds for the Transcoder to finish. The converted file Wildlife.mp4 will be in the solution directory.


  • You may get The program can't start because AVBlocks64.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem. or a similar message. To fix that, copy the file AVBlocks64.dll from avblocks/lib/x64 to x64/Debug.

  • transcoder->open() may fail if there is already a file Wildlife.mp4 in the project directory. Delete Wildlife.mp4 to solve that.