Reading stream information
Reading stream information#
This topic describes how to use MediaInfo to read audio and video stream information from a file.
The code snippets in this article are from the info_stream_file AVBlocks sample.
Create a MediaInfo object#
Use the createXyz
functions from the primo::avblocks::Library
namespace to create new AVBlocks objects. For example, the createMediaInfo
function creates a new MediaInfo
auto info = primo::make_ref(Library::createMediaInfo());
// Code that uses MediaInfo goes here
Load info from file#
Call setFile
for the default input socket and then call open
auto info = primo::make_ref(Library::createMediaInfo());
return true;
return false;
Enumerate audio and video streams#
to get list of output socketsFor each socket, call
to get the media pinsFor each pin, call
to get the pin’s stream infoFor each stream, call
to get the stream media type, e.g. audio or videoDepending on the media type, cast the generic
object toAudioStreamInfo
void printStreams(MediaInfo* info)
stdout_utf16 mode;
wcout << L"file: " << info->inputs()->at(0)->file() << endl;
for (int outSocketIndex = 0; outSocketIndex < info->outputs()->count(); outSocketIndex++)
MediaSocket * socket = info->outputs()->at(outSocketIndex);
StreamType::Enum containerType = socket->streamType();
wcout << L"container: " << getStreamTypeName(containerType) << endl;
MediaPinList* pins = socket->pins();
int32_t streamsCount = pins->count();
wcout << L"streams: " << streamsCount << endl;
wcout << endl;
for (int i = 0; i < streamsCount; ++i)
StreamInfo* psi = pins->at(i)->streamInfo();
MediaType::Enum mediaType = psi->mediaType();
wcout << L"stream #" << i << " " << getMediaTypeName(mediaType) << endl;
StreamType::Enum streamType = psi->streamType();
wcout << L"type: " << getStreamTypeName(streamType);
StreamSubType::Enum streamSubType = psi->streamSubType();
wcout << L", subtype: " << getStreamSubTypeName(streamSubType) << endl;
int32_t id = psi->ID();
wcout << L"id: " << id << endl;
double duration = psi->duration();
wcout << L"duration: " << duration << endl;
if (MediaType::Video == mediaType)
VideoStreamInfo* vsi = static_cast<VideoStreamInfo*>(psi);
else if (MediaType::Audio == mediaType)
AudioStreamInfo* asi = static_cast<AudioStreamInfo*>(psi);
wcout << endl;
wcout << std::endl;
Print video stream information#
Call the methods of the VideoStreamInfo class to get the properties of a video stream.
void printVideo(VideoStreamInfo* vsi)
int32_t bitrate = vsi->bitrate();
BitrateMode::Enum bitrateMode = (BitrateMode::Enum)vsi->bitrateMode();
primo::codecs::ColorFormat::Enum color = vsi->colorFormat();
int32_t dar_width = vsi->displayRatioWidth();
int32_t dar_height = vsi->displayRatioHeight();
bool frameBottomUp = vsi->frameBottomUp() == TRUE;
int32_t height = vsi->frameHeight();
int32_t width = vsi->frameWidth();
double rate = vsi->frameRate();
ScanType::Enum scanType = vsi->scanType();
wcout << L"bitrate: " << bitrate << L", mode: " << getBitrateModeName(bitrateMode) << endl;
wcout << L"color format: " << getColorFormatName(color) << endl;
wcout << L"display ratio: " << dar_width << L":" << dar_height << endl;
wcout << L"frame bottom up: " << frameBottomUp << endl;
wcout << L"frame size: " << width << L"x" << height << endl;
wcout << L"frame rate: " << rate << endl;
wcout << L"scan type: " << getScanTypeName(scanType) << endl;
Print audio stream information#
Call the methods of the AudioStreamInfo* class to get the properties of an audio stream.
void printAudio(AudioStreamInfo* asi)
uint32_t bitrate = asi->bitrate();
BitrateMode::Enum bitrateMode = (BitrateMode::Enum)asi->bitrateMode();
uint32_t bitsPerSample = asi->bitsPerSample();
uint32_t bytesPerFrame = asi->bytesPerFrame();
uint32_t channelLayout = asi->channelLayout();
uint32_t channels = asi->channels();
uint32_t flags = asi->pcmFlags();
uint32_t rate = asi->sampleRate();
wcout << L"bitrate: " << bitrate << L", mode: " << getBitrateModeName(bitrateMode) << endl;
wcout << L"bits per sample: " << bitsPerSample << endl;
wcout << L"bytes per frame: " << bytesPerFrame << endl;
wcout << L"channel layout: " << channelLayout << endl;
wcout << L"channels: " << channels << endl;
wcout << L"flags: " << flags << endl;
wcout << L"sample rate: " << rate << endl;